Book Publishing Panel at Blogworld

While attending Blogworld Expo 2010, I took part in a panel discussion titled “The Blogger Killed the Author & The Publisher Hid The Body.”

The session description reads:

In a world of 140s, shrinking screens, and ‘after-the-jump’ readers, how do we make books people want? Are books just ‘content’ in a dead format? Does tweeting, posting, and IM’ing make for better or worse writers? What 5 things should every author being doing to get published? This session is for publishers, and authors who still want to make money on books. It can be done. Come learn how.

In addition to myself, the panel also included other great speakers from both sides of the author and publisher equation including Hadji Williams, Ellen Gerstein, Justin Branch and Susan T Spencer.

The team from Wiley (our publisher) filmed and assembled this highlight reel of what I had to share with the audience and now we can share it with you.

I’m really hoping someone captured the whole panel to share because I think a lot of great resources and information for aspiring authors was shared by all.

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4 Responses to “Book Publishing Panel at Blogworld”

  1. Book Publishing Panel at Blogworld | Briefcase Essentials for Women In Business Says:

    […] from While attending Blogworld Expo 2010, I took part in a panel discussion titled “The Blogger Killed […]

  2. Anonymous Says:

    Love this “C.C. excerpts”…. & wow that childbirth analogy is so apt! WANT. THAT. BABY. OUT!!

    Awsome job (as always). You are so freakin’ articulate!

  3. C.C. Chapman Says:

    *laugh* I love when I get to surprise YOU with content 🙂

  4. The Role of Books in the Digital Age « Says:

    […] Expo in October…sure, yeah, I just realized I never posted this.  In it, I talk about my BlogWorld panel and what I see (meaning, my opinion only, your mileage may vary) in the near future for […]