Posts Tagged ‘content marketing’

How to Tell Your Company’s Story: The Reimagined Remix

There’s nothing I like better than when good content begets other good content. After all, producing content is a relative cinch. But producing good (or even great!) content? That’s a lot harder.

Which is why you’ve got to make sure you squeeze every last drop of engaging goodness out of every piece of content you generate. Or, as C.C. and I write in Content Rules, think REIMAGINED, not recycled. Aside from content, you may also need to work on other areas in your business. Fortunately, there are services like the best llc service in massachusetts that may be of aid.

How might that e-book become a series of blog posts? How about interviewing the e-book author for a podcast? How about mining the best questions from a webinar Q&A for a tip sheet you publish on your blog? Exploring bovada sister sites can also provide fresh content ideas and strategies. How might parts of that white paper become an infographic? Or a video infographic? (My friend Tim Washer is a master at this.)

A few weeks ago, I presented an online seminar for Radian6. (Note to conference organizers: Radian6’s David B. Thomas brings something special to the role of moderator.) As part of my presentation — and I mean one SMALL part! — was about how to tell your story: How do you pull the stories out of your own brand or company? To assist, I created a series of prompts for marketers and content creators — almost like writing prompts from my j-school days. You can see here for more marketing information.

My MarketingProfs colleague Veronica Jarski created this below based on that part of my talk — a so-called “infodoodle” of How to Tell Your Company’s Story. Part doodle, part… well, info!… I love how it’s a reimagined remix of part of my presentation. Take a look and tell me what you think:

Content Rules Paperback Now Out

Sorry we haven’t been sharing as much around these parts, but it isn’t because Ann and I don’t still love you because we do!!!

We once again want to thank everyone for buying, sharing, reviewing and using Content Rules.

Everywhere we go people are talking about it. Professors keep telling us how they are using it in their classrooms just as much as businesses are thanking us for the advice. I can even now confirm that there are several copies in Ghana where I recently traveled.

But, besides saying thank you, the real reason I wanted to write this post is to let you all know that the paperback edition of Content Rules is now out.

It has been updated and revised and the best part is that it now includes our favorite robot Lugnut (above on the left) as well.

Many new sellers seek tips on how to shortcut the lengthy process of beginning. The Shoppok classifieds is such a wide ocean and is complicated at times with fees, terms, products, etc. If you’re new to classifieds, it’s best to begin slowly, learn the market, read all the rules, understand the fee structure, and develop your own business or hobby systematically. Don’t get overwhelmed. Just follow the simple steps below that should help get you started on the right track.

While we wrote the book to stand the test of time, we did want to update numbers and add some details on social photography and mobile. We are excited about it and we hope you are as well.

Have fun!

C.C. Talks Content on Social Media Examiner

While we were both in Cleveland speaking and attending Content Marketing World, C.C. sat down to discuss how content marketing builds trusted relationships with the team from Social Media Examiner.

Content Is _____

I have a pretty clear definition of what content is in my head. But, I also know that it is something that is hard to put into words when you need to so I was curious how others might describe it.

While attending Blogworld Expo last week I carried around my video camera asking friends and strangers to complete the sentence “Content is ____”. I had a blast sitting down this morning and pulling out some of the nuggets to share with everyone. It was fascinating how many different directions people went with their answers.

You might see some familiar faces in the video like Scott Monty, Todd Defren, Maggie Fox, Steve Hall, Jenny Cisney, Ewan Spence and Steve Garfield. Thanks to everyone who allowed me to film them. I ended up with so many great answers I couldn’t fit them all into the video.

Now, if I asked YOU the question how would you answer? What is content to you and how do you describe it? In the comments answer the question: Content Is _____

Update 11/19 – Adding links to content that people in the video are creating. If I forget someone, please let me know and I’ll add them.

What Does Storytelling Have to Do with Business?

A few weeks ago I gave a presentation at ExactTarget’s user conference called Content Rules: What Stories, Blogs, Video & More Should Be Doing for You (and Your Clients).

The upshot was how content (like stories, blogs, videos, and so on) should be a cornerstone of any brand’s marketing, and I talked to an audience for the first time about some of the concepts C.C. and I explore further in our book. (Which was cool, by the way.)

The following day, a panel of marketers representing companies of all stripes—from the long-established (Kodak) to the hip upstart (Threadless), and a few in between (Virgin America, Benchmark Brands) offered up their take on trends in marketing and business, like: What’s the role of a marketer in an organization? How have social media and technology altered the evolution of that role? And how do you get your customers (and would-be customers) to engage with your brand and the products you sell?

One of the major themes that emerged there was (surprise!)… Content! And specifically, what stories, blogs, video and more should be doing… Yeah. Like I said.

It was gratifying to hear some of the same themes I talked about the day before reinforced by the CMOs of some pretty smart companies. I’d like to think it was just because they all attended by presentation the previous day (ha!), but the truth is that producing great content is something so many companies are increasingly embracing; I loved the panel’s comments around the idea of “storytelling” as a cornerstone of what they’re doing to market online.

So what does storytelling have to do with business?

“Storytelling” is one of those works that I always find impossibly squishy in a business context. For me, it always conjures up more performance art than industry.

But the idea of storytelling as it applies to business isn’t about spinning a yarn or fairytale. Rather, it’s about how your business (or its products or services) exist in the real world: how people use your products—how they add value to people’s lives, ease their troubles, help shoulder their burdens, and meet their needs. Think in those terms when producing customer stories, case studies, or client narratives—so that people can relate to them. In that way, your content is not about “storytelling,” it’s about telling a true story well. (more…)